Writing a New Book

There’s something enormously satisfying about writing a book, going through the agony of edits, and finally launching it into the world for all to see. A jumble of thoughts fill my head… Did I do my very best? Was this the final-final-final draft, or should I have gone over it ONE MORE time? Oh, dear, did I miss anything? Will my readers like it?

To put it bluntly, releasing a book is scary. Rewarding? Yes. Still, scary.

The last book I put out was the third in the Unlikely Love series titled, The Street Magician and the Librarian. So far, so good. Reviewers have been kind in their assessments.

For me, there’s always the question of what to write next. Or, I wonder if I should take a breather and write a short work like a novellette? Maybe concentrate on promoting the books I have? Decisions, decisions.

Happily, after conferring with my wonderful critique partners and weighing their excellent advice, I’ve decided to write a sequel to Saving Chase. Of course, the decision didn’t come without drawbacks. For the past three nights, the characters from Saving Chase have been keeping me awake at night, each one vying for top billing.

I’ve got the storyline in my head. Now, to put it down on paper.

What am I going to call the new book? Good question. I have no idea. Oy. Another thing to agonize about…

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